Put in your totally anonymous (or not, up to you) suggestions for this class moving forward into the fall 2020 semester. Easy breezy, nothing to login to. Just Click the blue GO button and go.
Thanks for all the suggestions thus far! Very helpful comments! - thank you.... Dr. McCord
You asked for them and here they are. All of them in alphabetical order:
as submitted by about a third of the class (the other two thirds didn't submit). I put all these in Google Photos so that is where the link will take you.
Don't just look in Canvas - it will not be right for over 70% of you for this class. Login to MyUT and then click on the Academics menu. Many new items show up and one of them is "My Grades" - pick that one! See all your grades from UT. Boom! Done!
Quickest turn around ever. Final ended at 12 noon - grades submitted at 12:50pm. So yes, I have submitted final letter grades to the registrar. You should be able to see those soon - once they release them (not on canvas, check via UTDirect or via registrar). Your next decision is whether to keep the letter grade or change your status to pass/fail or to Q-drop. Read below for that option.
GOOD NEWS!! Our A's made it to 59% of the class! Throw in the A-minus group and we hit 69%. A new record for any McCord class EVER. Woo hoo. The overall average for the whole class was an 87.8!
After you take the final exam and have your score, please use the spreadsheet that I provided below and you'll know your letter grade in the course. You will then need to decide if you want to switch that grade over to Pass/Fail status. Just a reminder that a D- or higher is considered a "pass".
I can NOT make this change for you. You'll will have to find the online procedure making this change which is specific for each college. So go to your college's home webpage and search for the details on how to do this. ALL the colleges recommend consulting with your academic advisor first.
Here is our NEW Online Exam Protocol for the rest of our exams.
Exam 1 Thu 2/13
Exam 2 Tue 4/7
Exam 3 Tue 4/21
Exam 4 Thu 5/7
Final Tue 5/19 (in -1778 days)
9AM!! to noon
Here is the link to the Excel Spreadsheet to Calculate Your Grade showing all 3 Methods of calculation. Replace the scores with your own and see the resulting letter grades possible.
Office Hours are now during during classtime (zoom).
Tune in with your questions - type them in via the chat feature.
Thur 3:30pm - 3:15pm on Zoom
HW08 is due on Wednesday (5/06)
here is a link to a page here with a "pretty" version of two two Redox reactions that I balanced in class on Tuesday, 2/18.
UT's Official Guidance Related to the Coronavirus Disease.
The University has put out the following mandatory guidelines pertaining to zoom meetings like our class and office hours...
Your students must do two things to ensure smooth access to class.
© 2020 · mccord