
Question: Where do all the old announcements and links go after they disappear from the front page? Here in the archive - in reverse chronological order.

Final Exam is Tuesday 5/19 (9am-12n)

Remember, it is your choice whether to take the final or not. If you don't take it, a zero will be recorded and Method 3 in the syllabus will be used to calculate your overall grade in the course. You do NOT need to tell me about your choice.

The Final Exam will be like our other online exams and delivered through Canvas. We will have a Zoom meeting going during the exam for any questions and/or corrections that need to be made.

Deadline for YOU to Change Class to Pass/Fail Status is Friday, 5/29

After you take the final exam and have your score, please use the spreadsheet that I provided below and you'll know your letter grade in the course. You will then need to decide if you want to switch that grade over to Pass/Fail status. Just a reminder that a D- or higher is considered a "pass".

I can NOT make this change for you. You'll will have to find the online procedure making this change which is specific for each college. So go to your college's home webpage and search for the details on how to do this.

Please do Jimmy and me a favor - login and complete the eCIS for us and throw some ❤️ our way. – Dr. McCord

deadline for this is Monday, 5/11, by 12 noon

- - - actually this is closed now - - -

Extra Credit Chemistry Meme Assignment - still OPEN

A reminder that the Extra Credit Chemistry Meme assignment is still open on Canvas.
Make one and upload it for a little help on your overall course grade.


Exam 4 is Thursday, 5/7, from 2pm to 3:30pm

Remember that you can only use handwritten notes for the exam. Please login to Canvas for more details and links to the exam and zoom session as the time approaches.

Jimmy's Review for Exam 4 is on Zoom today at 5pm.


Exam 2 will be Tuesday 4/7

The exam will be synchronized - meaning you will login to our Canvas class and take the exam online from 2:00pm to 3:30pm. That will be the actual time window for the exam. More info will come. The Periodic Table Cover Page is available now (click that link). You can already have that ready (print it) before the exam starts. It is also on Canvas on the home page and the assignment instructions. More details will come as we get them.

Here is the extra practice - exam 2 and the KEY.


We WILL be a totally ONLINE synchronous class starting on Tuesday at 2:00pm. We will be using Zoom.

Zoom meeting (class) details are in Canvas. Click the Zoom menu item and you'll see our class meeting session. You will click there to join our class on our class days at 2:00 pm.

Note: Exam 2 has been rescheduled for Tuesday 4/7. We will have a way of administering the exam online. It will be synchronous, meaning you will need to go online at 2:00 pm and take the exam over a timed period. Details will be ironed out in the next week. We will give you instructions - we might even try an online practice test first. Exams 3, 4, and the final will also be online.


Class News (updated Sat 3/21)

Note that almost ALL of this was updated on Saturday 3/21.

Class Survey: Thank you to those students who did the class survey on canvas. The results are in with just over 60% of the class voting. It was 2 to 1 in favor of asynchronous. This means that 33% voted for synchronous class and 67% wanted asynchronous. Well I've got some good news and bad news for both groups. The College/University has already decided that we HAVE to do synchronous - so that is what we will do. I will however, ALSO put up quite a bit of asynchronous content that you can use for your studies.

We WILL be a totally ONLINE synchronous class after the break.

Note: Exam 2 has been rescheduled for Thursday 4/2. We will have a way of administering the exam online. It will be synchronous, meaning you will need to go online at 2:00 pm and take the exam over a timed period. Details will be ironed out in the next week. We will give you instructions - we might even try an online practice test first. Exams 3, 4, and the final will also be online.

Current Plans for "Class"

"Class" will now be synchronous - which means that you WILL need to login at 2:00pm (CST) on each Tuesday and Thursday and join in on all our class day fun and excitement. Woo hoo! Something WILL be happening online during classtime for the rest of the semester. FYI - although Zoom is getting all the press for live online sessions, the University is also licensing another system as well called Panopto. It looks good too and has it's own unique set of attributes. I'll be testing them both out this coming week. We might even bring "clickers" back for in-class questions because iclicker Reef will be free.

To promote better engagement and participation, PART of class time will basically be my office hours for the class where I specifically answer questions over concepts and homework problems. This is better than my "old" office hours on TTH mornings in that ALL of you can make my office hours now because they will be during class time.

I will do my best to get through a lecture/presentation in the first 30-40 minutes of class and then shift into office hour mode in the last 20-30 minutes of class. Jimmy will also still be posting the daily (class days that is) quizzes on canvas. I'm hoping this "hybrid" approach will satisfy both those students who want the consistency of class time AND those students who want more online materials to study in addition to chembook.

HWs will still be on canvas and be out for like a week to 10 days at a time. And QZs as pointed out above, will be out and due on class days. The University is licensing a few exam proctoring platforms. I'm guessing that we will be using one of them and have our exams online and synchronous... meaning you still will take the exam over a 75 minute window during class time (Thur 2:00pm - 3:15pm). Stay tuned, more details are coming this week.

Office Hours: Like I said earlier, my office hours will be a second half (or final quarter) of our class time. We actually had success with this on days class let out early and many of you stayed and asked questions. Outside of class, Jimmy will work up a method of having some sort of office hours as well. He might try and gather student questions and concerns and then put up videos answering all the questions. He would do this often enough to get many questions answered. He may or may not go live with a Zoom session.

UT's Official Guidance Related to the Coronavirus Disease.



The decision is in and exam 2 is cancelled for Thursday, 3/12. I just can't continue. Way to many of you have sent emails with concerns + the national situation... the NBA, March Madness, Houston Rodeo, Tom Hanks! Yikes. Exam 2 will be rescheduled after our 2 week long spring break.

I'm sorry for all you students studying your asses off for the exam. Stand down. Chill out and stay healthy. Do all those things you've been told by countless authorities. Stay well and we will see you AFTER spring break.

- Dr. McCord

PS: to be very clear, NO EXAM for any one. We will NOT be in class tomorrow and for the next 2 weeks. Stay tuned here for more announcements over spring break. Nobody is taking Exam 2 at this time.


NO OFFICE HOURS until AFTER Spring Break

Neither Dr. McCord nor Jimmy will have office hours again until after spring break.


extra practice - exam 2

Extra Practice 2 (exam 2) is coming soon. Stay tuned.

Use the above practice test as a study aid. Test yourself on it by forcing yourself to take it in a timed manner. The actual exam will be 75 minutes. Remember that you will not have any other resources during the exam other than your pencil, your brain, and your calculator.

Here is the KEY to the extra practice assignment given above.


Remember to VOTE! Today


New UNIT / Chapter

For our 2nd unit of the semester we will be covering Chapter 7 in Chembook which is the chapter on electrochemistry - it's not just batteries, although that is a big part of it. Best to get on it and read. Exam 2 and Spring Break will be here before you know it.


Answer KEYs to Exam 1

Here are all the Version KEYs to Exam 1. Find your version number and you've got the key.

Here is the MASTER KEY to Exam 1. Answers and explanations are shown, although the order will be different from yours.

Scores are on Canvas

You exam grade/score is now posted on Canvas. If you got a zero, you either did not take the exam or you did and misbubbled your UTEID and/or your version number. Send me and email with your info if you want me to fix it. Be nice and include the missing information - include your name, eid, class, exam#, and version number and the issue. Might get fixed over the weekend. - Dr. McCord


Happy Valentines Day!

Here is an older version of the Valentine keynote/video I showed on Tuesday. Watch, share, and find your special someone...


extra practice - exam 1

Use the above practice test as a study aid. Test yourself on it by forcing yourself to take it in a timed manner. The actual exam will be 75 minutes. Remember that you will not have any other resources during the exam other than your pencil, your brain, and your calculator.

Here is the KEY to the extra practice assignment given above.


Just Now ADDING this Class?

On the first day of class (1/21) I covered the class and specifically the syllabus. It is best for you to READ the syllabus (same goes for ALL students). Then get started on the assignments in Canvas. HW01 is open and due by Thursday 1/30. Quizzes (QZ) are class day only things - work them after class and finish before midnight.


Prerequisite Knowledge for this Course

Many of you have asked "what do I need to already know for this course?" Well, there are a few things. Chapter 0 in chembook is certainly a good and short read for you that sets the tone here. Then all of chapter 1. Heck, I made a whole page for you to look at and get up to speed - follow the link below:

Prerequisite Knowledge


Oops! Final Exam fixed

Sadly, my proclamation of the final exam being on the first day of finals was completely wrong. The final for this course is on the LAST day of finals, Tuesday 5/19 from 9am-12n. The registrar's site has ALL your final exam times - so check and double check that your dumbass instructor has the right day and time on their syllabus and schedule. I've updated this page and the syllabus with the correct times.


First Day of Class

Tuesday 1/21 at 2:00pm in UTC 2.102A

There is nothing to buy for this course except a plain jane scientific calculator (TI-30Xa). No book, no Reef, no SquareCap, no TopHat, no iClicker. Whoopee! Just come to class Tuesday (1/21) ready to listen and learn.