General Information pertaining to McCord's CH302  
Registering for the
Homework Service
Conversion Factors Periodic Table Periodic Table
on Bubblesheets
Polyatomic Ions! what's ppm? Put it in SCI MODE!
Textbook Errata
if you have 1st or 2nd printing

EXAMS: Overview for Exam 1       Overview for Exam 2       Overview for Exam 3       Overview for Exam 4

TOPICS: Strong Acid/Base List       Acid/Base HELP Sheets       Some Formulas for E-Chem and Kinetics (v2)

Links of Interest
WH Freeman's site for Chemical Principles 3rd edition
Lectures On Demand
Audio and video of the lectures are available here. Instructions are there. Once in, pick our class out of the listing. For logon use the following:
name: ch302      password: 52105
UTeach Outreach Program Take your science knowledge and help teach elementary school kids.
UT Learning Center WebElements
Nice Periodic Table and more
Get Acrobat
Gen-Chem Online ChemTeam Orbitron
VSEPR Theory Cool Molecules The ChemCollective
Ohio State Chemistry
Dr. Spinney's World of Chemistry
Physics 2000
Univ of Colorado
go to Elements as Atoms
under Science Trek
Entropy Sites
by Dr. Frank Lambert (Occidental College)
Some VERY GOOD sites and revelations about entropy.
A Student's Approach to the Second Law and Entropy   Strong Acid/Base List
Acid/Base Help Sheets