CH301 S22

Exam 4

Wednesday 5/04
9:00am - 9:50am

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to...

  1. Identify the system, surroundings, and universe in order to distinguish what is changing during a chemical and/or physical process.
  2. Define and recognize state versus process functions.
  3. Describe the concept of the energy units, including calories, kilocalories, and kilojoule.
  4. Distinguish between kinetic energy, potential energy, and electromagnetic energy.
  5. Deļ¬ne the ļ¬rst law of thermodynamics in the context of internal energy, heat, and work.
  6. Recall sign conventions associated with thermodynamic change.
  7. Define conduction and describe the microscopic view of thermal energy transfer due to molecular collisions.
  8. Deļ¬ne heat capacity, speciļ¬c heat capacity, and molar heat capacity.
  9. Calculate the heat and work associated with chemical and/or physical change.
  10. Calculate \(P\Delta V\) (expansion) work for both physical and chemical changes.
  11. Define enthalpy, and calculate the enthalpy change for chemical and/or physical changes.
  12. Calculate change in enthalpy for physical change ā€“ both change in temperature and phase change.
  13. Fully interpret the heating curve of a substance.
  14. Draw and fully interpret energy reaction diagrams.
  15. Differentiate between the change in internal energy and enthalpy for a process, and describe how these quantities are measured (coffee cup vs. bomb calorimetry).
  16. Calculate the change in enthalpy (\(\Delta H\)) and internal energy (\(\Delta U\)) based on calorimetric data.
  17. Write formation reactions for elements and compounds.
  18. Calculate change in enthalpy based on tabulated data (e.g. Hessā€™s law, formation data, bond enthalpy data).
  19. Deļ¬ne entropy (\(S\)) and describe the second law of thermodynamics in the context of \(\Delta S\).
  20. Differentiate between the entropy of system, surroundings, and universe.
  21. Recognize how changes in system properties (\(T\), \(V\), phase, mixing, and composition) will affect the entropy of the system.
  22. Calculate change in entropy for the system and surroundings for a physical change.
  23. Describe entropy using a microscopic perspective of energy distribution (Boltzmann/microstates).
  24. Calculate change in entropy for the system and surroundings for a chemical change.
  25. Deļ¬ne the change in free energy.
  26. Calculate change in free energy (\(\Delta G\)) for a chemical change from change in enthalpy and change in entropy.
  27. Use the change in free energy to determine the spontaneity of a chemical and/or physical process at a given temperature.
  28. Calculate \(\Delta G\) for a chemical change from tabulated thermodynamic data.
  29. Link \(\Delta G\) to the second law of thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium.

Main Equations/Formulas for Exam 4

click on Smiley for an annotated list of equations!

ΔU = Uf - Ui

ΔU = q + w

q   =   m Cs ΔT

q   =   n Cm ΔT

q   =   m ΔHtrans

q   =   n ΔHtrans

w   =   -PextΔV

w   =   -ΔngasRT

Δngas = (#mol gas prod) - (#mol gas react)

H = U + PV



ΔU = ΔH - ΔnRT

ΔH = qP

ΔU = qV

qcal   =   -qsys

qcal   =   CcalΔT

qcal = mwater · Cs,water · ΔT + Chardware · ΔT

ΔHrxn = ΔH1 + ΔH2 + ΔH3 + ...

ΔHrxn° = ΣnΔHf° (products) - ΣnΔHf° (reactants)

ΔHrxn° ≈ ΣnΔHbond°(breaking) - ΣnΔHbond°(making)

ΔSuniv = ΔSsys + ΔSsurr

S  =  k ln Ω

ΔS  =  qrev / T

ΔS  =  n Cm ln(Tf / Ti) molar version

ΔS  =  m Cs ln(Tf / Ti) mass version

ΔStrans  =  ΔHtrans / Ttrans

ΔSrxn° = ΣnS° (products) - ΣnS° (reactants)

G   =   H - TS


ΔGrxn° = ΣnΔGf° (products) - ΣnΔGf° (reactants)

ΔH = TeqΔS

Flashback to Fall 2018

The creepy "eye" logo, the Welch renovation, having to teach in Burdine (oof)... oh yeah, the heart attack thing šŸ’” ... but I digress.

We also put up copies of all four exams before the final (both blank ones and the KEYS). The crazy thing is... I never took them off the old website! Don't tell anybody - it's a secret stash of the good stuff - Exam 4, the thermo exam is there in the stash. And, if you scroll down past the HONOR CODE blurb you will find another stash of thermodynamic practice problems - like 92 of them! Anyway, enjoy my Secret Stash from Fall 2018.

Exam 4 Worksheet...

Here is the worksheet (and KEY) that Claire and Kelly used for the Friday afternoon review.

Exam 4 Review Worksheet | KEY

Exam protocol All you need to know about HOW to take our in-class exams.