Long, long, ago...
OK, it was actually 2013, but hey - that seems long ago. We used to use Quest as our homework service - not just exams. It was clunky, often ugly, and buggy - but it did provide a way to get lots of questions into the hands of students.
And when I say lots of questions... 118 questions to be exact for the exam that was chemical equilibria and acid/base theory. Whoa! 118 questions? How can you possibly do all those questions? I'm not sure... but the students from 2013 certainly did.
So, I would like to offer up those same four homework sets (HW04, HW05, HW06, and HW07) as practice sets for you to prep for the upcoming two exams (#2 and #3). They are not categorized for you - that is for you to do. They do tend to go in the order of the material that we covered. Some questions might be about a topic we didn't cover - that is for you to figure out. If I find any blatant outliers I will tell you in a statement below.
So to all you folks who just can't seem to find enough questions to practice on, I present 118 questions for you to feast on. Enjoy.
Fun Fact: You'll probably notice that a lot of these questions were on the LEs and EPs that we have on Canvas. Now you know where they came from.
HW04 Chemical Equilibria 1: Introduction | KEY
HW05 Chemical Equilbria 2: Acids/Bases | KEY
HW06 Acids, Bases, and their Salts | KEY
HW07 Buffers and Titrations | KEY
AND... although some of the following information migrated to the gchem site, here are a few help pages from Spring of 2017.
Here are some general equilibrium concepts.
The following is some more acid/base concepts.
And if you're still confused about "salt of a weak acid" and "salt of a weak base" you might take a look at this page on acid/base SALTS.
100's of Randomized Weak Acid / Weak Base Questions with full solutions?
Acid/Base Type 1 Questions Randomized
and, there is even more
if you just look at my 2017 site called
Acid/Base Trainer.