Long, long, ago...
OK, it was actually 2013, but hey - that seems long ago. We used to use Quest as our homework service. It was clunky, often ugly, and buggy - but it did provide a way to get lots of questions into the hands of students.
And when I say lots of questions... 118 questions to be exact for the exam that was chemical equilibria and acid/base theory. Whoa! 118 questions? How can you possibly do all those questions? I'm not sure... but the students from 2013 certainly did.
So, I would like to offer up those same four homework sets (HW04, HW05, HW06, and HW07) as practice sets for you to prep for the upcoming exam. They are not categorized for you - that is for you to do. They do tend to go in the order of the material that we covered. Some questions might be about a topic we didn't cover - that is for you to figure out. If I find any blatant outliers I will tell you in a statement below.
So to all you folks who just can't seem to find enough questions to practice on, I present 118 questions for you to feast on. Enjoy.
Fun Fact: You'll probably notice that a lot of these questions were on the LEs and HWs that we have on Canvas. Now you know where they came from.
HW04 Chemical Equilibria 1: Introduction | KEY
HW05 Chemical Equilbria 2: Acids/Bases | KEY
HW06 Acids, Bases, and their Salts | KEY
HW07 Buffers and Titrations | KEY
Oh yeah... and there is this and this too, oh and not to mention this.