We now have an official Exam Procedure page. Check it out and know what to expect on Tuesday.
Coverage for Exam 2: Exam 2 covers all the material that was covered on LE's 09-14 and HW03 and HW04. Most of the exam is over Chapter 2 (Atomic Theory) from the gchem site. There are no stoichiometry problems. This exam is really all about electromagnetic radiation and atomic theory. Remember that the extra practice assignments (4-6) on canvas are a good way to prep as well.
Length / Time for Exam 2: You should expect 20 multiple choice questions. The questions will have a range of point values from 4 points to 6 points. Remember that the point values are included with all questions. The exam is given during class time (9:30-10:45, 11-12:15) which is 75 minutes total which includes the handout time.
Nomenclature is IN As promised on the exam 1 prep page, nomenclature will be on exam 2 (and exam 3 for that matter). So know your polyatomic ions, formulas, charges, etc. Know what is on this gchem data page for polyatomic ions (you don't have to know the "older" names for metal cations)./p>
electromagnetic radiation: \[c = \lambda \cdot \nu \]
single photon energy: \[E = h \cdot \nu \]
work function: \[E_{\rm k} = {1\over 2} m v^2 = h\nu - \Phi \]
Rydberg formula: \[\Delta E = {\cal R}\left({1\over n_i^2} -{1\over n_f^2}\right) \]
H Energy Levels: \[E_n = -{\cal R}\left({1\over n^2}\right) \]
The Rydberg constant
(\({\cal R}\)) is clearly labeled and given on the Exam Periodic Table Handout which you will recieve with your exam. Actually, three values are given - use your favorite!
\({\cal R}= 2.18\times 10^{-18} \; \;{\rm J}\)
\({\cal R}= 1.097\times 10^{7} \; \;{\rm m^{-1}}\)
\({\cal R}= 3.29\times 10^{15} \; \;{\rm s^{-1}}\)
light : it's a wave! it's a particle!
emission: the electron drops down to lower level
absorption: the electron jumps up to higher level
total nodes (nodal surfaces actually) in a given orbital \(= (n-1)\)
angular nodes (cones and planes) \(= \ell\)
spherical or radial nodes (spheres) \(= n - \ell - 1\)
use the periodic table to follow the Aufbau order
when making cations from transition metals - remove the \(s\) electrons first
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