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Exam Procedures TTH - Fall 2018
The following exam procedures are specific for the McCord (in BUR 106) and Biberdorf (in UTC 2.102A) TTH exams.
Please review these procedures for the exam. Don’t let this be what stresses you out— You will have your instructors and TAs there to guide you on the procedures for the first exam.
General Exam Rules:
- Use the restroom before coming to the exam. You will not be allowed to use the restroom during the exam.
- When you sit down for the test, you should only have 3 items: pencil, calculator, UT-issued student ID.
- You will be instructed on where to place your backpack and other belongings. If this is your only class of the day, consider not bringing your backpack or valuables if you do not need them.
- Bringing a water bottle to your desk is okay. Everything else (exam, scratch paper, and bubblesheet) is provided.
- If you bring your phone to the exam, turn it on silent and set all alarms OFF. Being on vibrate is not acceptable.
- Enter the classroom through the large double doors on the south side of the room (the main entrance to the lecture hall). You will not be allowed to enter the room from any of the other doors. You should have only your pencil, calculator and UT-issued student ID in your hands. Everything else should be stored in your backpack.
- You will be greeted by a TA who will direct you in one of three directions.
- As instructed by your TA, you will leave your backpack along the stage wall or along one of the main aisles.
- Walk to the end of the row and sit in the last available seat.
- Your TAs will hand out exams row by row. You may begin filling out your name, UTEID, and version number. However, DO NOT OPEN YOUR EXAM UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO DO SO.
If you finish the exam early, raise your hand and a TA will instruct you to get up and turn the exam in. When there are thirty minutes left, an announcement will be made that there will be a “quiet time” for the remainder of the test and no student will be permitted to turn the exam in early.
When time is up:
- Remain seated. Place your scratch paper and periodic table inside your exam. The only thing NOT packed in your exam will be your bubblesheet.
- A TA will inspect your exam and bubblesheet to check your version number.
- A second TA will check your ID and collect ALL of your exam materials.
- After we have taken your exam, you may collect your things and exit the room.