eBook? 6th edition? 5th edition? Other books?

Can I use ________________ textbook for this course?

So Many Questions

I get this question constantly. Can I use the old book? Can I use the actual real 6th edition hardbound book? How 'bout the "international" version. Do I HAVE to use the eBook? I have a 5th edition, is that OK? I have another chemistry book completely, can I use it?

The Quick Answer

The answer to all these questions is a simple YES! You can use whatever book you want as far as I'm concerned. Yes, ANY good general chemistry book will have ALL the subject matter that we will cover in this class. So any good textbook will do. You see how your grade is determined in the syllabus - NOWHERE does it say a percentage of your grade is determined by making sure you have the right book. Heck, I've know some students that never even got a book and made it through just fine.

There's More to it than That

Having said all that now, I will let you know this. First, you're probably NOT that student who didn't even have a book and it's best NOT to be like him. The fact is that I will USE the 6th edition book myself for teaching this class. All chapter and page references will be from the 6th edition. So if you chose to use another edition or book, then you will have to FIND the material in whatever chapter it may be in. Now if your pretty sure you can do that, then so be it. If you feel you need to come check with me a see if you are in the right place, then BUY the 6th edition. I am NOT going to provide cross-referencing to other editions or books. YOU have to do the cross-referencing.

The old 5th Edition

If you do get a 5th edition, your task is easier than those with completely different books. The 5th and 6th editions have the SAME Chapters. So all my Chapter references will still work. The sections will work SOMETIMES, and the page references will pretty much NEVER work.

The 6th Edition IS the EASIEST to Follow Along In

Most students find that the course is difficult enough to not have to worry about WHERE we are in the book. Most students prefer to have the same book as the instructor. That book is the 6th edition.

What about the eBook?

Yes, I plan on using the eBook version of the 6th edition myself. I can annotate the ebook and students can SEE my annotations and notes right there in their own ebooks. This is pretty cool. So you might find it beneficial to use the ebook because of this AND some other clever things they put in it. It has little quizzes along the way for you to test yourself on. It has video demonstrations of concepts and experiments. It's a more "alive" book than just a paper book.

In the END - it's YOUR choice