End of Sememester FAQ Page

Please READ through these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) before you send me and email. 95% of the questions I get here at the end of the semester are already answered here.

Q: Will you PLEASE consider bumping my grade up? I'm on the bubble. PLEASE?
A: All students within range of a grade break get the consideration of a bump up in their grade. You do not have to email me to get the consideration.
Q: Dr. McCord, can you please send me my average in the course?
A: No. You are perfectly capable of computing your own average. The syllabus and the "grading" page tell you the percentages and everything.
Q: Can you please tell me your decision on my being on the bubble? - I NEED to KNOW ASAP.
A: Sorry, no can do. Every student would email me if I were to tell them their grade in the course. Plus, I'm not supposed to do that via email - I must use official secure University methods on that. So, to quote good ol' Tom Petty (again)... "the waiting is the hardest part". You'll have to wait and see what the verdict was when the University releases your letter grades.
Q: Can I add the curve points for my dropped exam to another exam?
A: YOU can do anything you want. I, however will NOT do that in the official gradebook. The curves on the exams were for those specific exams ONLY.
Q: Can I add the UT/OU 2 points to my Final Exam score instead of a regular exam?
A: See previous question. No.
Q: I'm only 0.452 points from getting a B+. Will you please bump me up?
A: I will certainly LOOK at your scores and confirm your calculations and then consider bumping you up. I'll do this for every student as a matter of fact.
Q: I have put more effort in this course than any course I've ever had. My knowlege of chemistry is well above what my exam scores reflect. Please consider this fact. I simply CANNOT make an F in this course, I have to have a C- or better.
A: Sorry, I will calculate your grade based on your scores on Quest. I cannot judge and quantify your effort in the course. From the very start, I said your grade would be based on your scores. This is the only method that is fair to ALL students.