How Come I've seen TWO different Chemistry Textbooks
Is there more than one 5th edition Zumdahl textbook?

This Edition includes an EduSpace passcode. There is a companion web site that goes with this book. To have access to the web site you must have a passcode. This edition of the book includes a passcode for you to use to gain entry to this special web site. NOTE: for Fall 2008 you have to ASK the Coop for the Passcode - they are not actually in the book.
This Edition is Sold to the Bookstore (UT Co-op) CHEAPER than the regular (non-UT) version. So you are able to buy a brand new textbook about $30 less than what you would normally pay.

So do you care if you can access the EduSpace website? Maybe, maybe not. The site DOES have very useful information if you chose to go there and take the time to look. Does any of your grade depend on that web site? No. So you could use this book and save some money if you find it used somewhere. Just know that you will not have access to the EduSpace web site.