The Course is now OVER and Grades are IN

As of 10:30 AM, 12/18, the final letter grades have been submitted to the registrar. You can check your grade online through UTDirect.

Some students JUST made it over the "bubble" while others were just a bit too far away to get there. ALL students were treated fairly and the two classes did quite well overall. As a matter of fact the overall class average for the two courses was a 78 and 60% of all student made above that.

Good Luck to Everyone in their Spring 2009 Courses

If you are taking CH302 here, we will use the same book.

Happy Holidays, - Dr. McCord

McCord's CH302 Classes for Spring 2009

52400 MWF 9-10am in WEL 2.224
52405 MWF 10-1100am in WEL 1.316

If you recall, the course schedule got shifted around a bit in November. I just checked and the registrar's site for the course schedule NOW has the correct assignments for the classes which are shown above. Once again, I do NOT have the 1-2PM class section anymore - that is now Dr. Sutcliffe's. Hope to see many of you once again in CH302. - Dr. McCord

Exam Dates
all are 7-9 PM

Exam 1 Thu, 9/18
Exam 2 Thu, 10/16
Exam 3 Thu, 11/6
Exam 4 Thu, 12/4

Final 53740 (11am)
Tue, 12/16 9-12n
in WEL 2.224 and WEL 1.308

Final 53745 (1 pm)
Mon, 12/15 2-5pm
in WEL 1.308 and WEL 1.316

Weekly Reviews

Rachel:   Mon 6-7 PM - PAI 4.42
Judy:   Wed 4-5 PM - WEL 1.316

Yes, the FINAL EXAM is Comprehensive
    -20157 days till Spring Semester starts on 1/20/09