Unique: 54850 Chemistry in Context I
TTh 11-12:30 PM       WEL 2.224
Fall 2006

Instructor: Paul McCord
Office: WEL 5.239
Hours: MWF 10-11 AM

WEB PAGE:  http://courses.cm.utexas.edu/pmccord/ch304k      (case sensitive!)

Textbook: Chemistry in Context 5th Edition, American Chemical Society
McGraw-Hill Higher Education (2006).

Chapters to be Covered: Chapters 1-4 and 7, breaking down roughly in the following ways..
Exam 1 : Chapter 1
Exam 2 : Chapter 2
Exam 3 : Chapter 3
Exam 4 : Chapter 4 and 7
Final Exam : Comprehensive - all covered chapters

Calculator:  All students must have a SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR. If you don't already have one, I'd suggest getting a TI-30xa or something like it (very simple to use and cheap). Will I allow graphing calculators this year? Yes. However, please make sure that the memory is cleared before all exams.

Clicker:  All students must have a clicker. We will use eInstruction's GEN 2 RF remotes as our in-class response system (known as "clickers"). These are available at the Co-op and will cost $20 (for the clicker itself) plus a registration fee ($13 per semester or $35 for lifetime at UT, there is a $39 cap on your registration fees). UT has adopted this new clicker as their STANDARD. All classes using a response system will use this clicker - so you'll buy ONE clicker and use it for ALL your classes (that chose to use them). The ISBN # for the Gen 2 RF clicker is 978-1-881483-71-7, although it is most likely the ONLY clicker that the Co-op will be selling. The older BLUE clickers will NOT work.    
Teaching Assistant Office Hours Where? Email
Aiko Umeda
(computer TA)

Mon 8-9 PM
TTh 1-2 PM

WEL 1.300 cubicles
Weekly Review Sessions Tuesdays 5-6 PM WEL 1.316  
Overall SCORING for the Course
Your overall score will be determined from homework, 4 in-class exams, PLUS a FINAL EXAM which must be taken. The percentages are the following:
Homework 5 %
Quizzes 5 %
Exams 60 %
30 %
TOTAL 100%
Course grades will be determined according to the following scale or cut-offs:
A > 89.50
B > 79.50
C > 69.50
D > 59.50
F < 59.50
All Exams will be taken during
class time in WEL 2.224
      Exam 1 Thu, 9/21
Exam 2 Thu, 10/12
Exam 3 Thu, 11/9
Exam 4 Thu, 11/30
Final Thursday, 12/14
2-5 PM

Final Exam places: A-M in WEL 2.224
N-Z in HMA

You are expected to work the homework problems and complete the assigned readings throughout the semester. Homework is administered via the web and will count as 5% of your overall grade. One or two of your lowest homework scores will be dropped from your average. You must first sign-up for homework service at the web address https://hs.utexas.edu/ Enter ALL information asked for and be careful to get your name and the course number (54850) right. Your name and UT EID should match up with my official University roster. After you have signed up, you'll then be able to enter the homework site for the course. You will need a relatively recent version of a web browser (versions 5 and up). You will also need a "pdf" viewer/printer application. Your performance on the exams will depend heavily on how well you understand and can fully work the homework problems. You should really try working ALL the problems at the end of each chapter in the book.

Quizzes will be given in class via the clickers. Quizzes will count 5% of your overall grade in the class. You MUST bring your clicker to class everyday. If you don't have a clicker you will not get credit. You should also watch your battery level on the clicker. Running out of power is no excuse. You can only have ONE clicker in class. Students that are operating TWO clickers during class will be given an F and reported to the Office of the Dean of Students (see Cheating below).

The four exams will be given during class on the scheduled days in the rooms posted. You must go to the correct room. I will drop your lowest exam grade. I'll average your 3 highest exams and count that as 65% of your grade. Be sure and bring your calculator to the exam. I cannot provide calculators. You CANNOT use a PDA, or cell phone as your calculator (or any other gadget that is NOT a calculator). You CANNOT reschedule or make-up a missed exam for ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. You get to drop one exam score from your average, so for whatever reason you miss, that particular exam score (a zero) will be your dropped exam.

Each student will receive a unique exam copy with a specific version number on it. There is a different exam version for every student in the class, no two students can have the same version numbers. It is therefore very important that you keep your copy of each of your exams. You need this copy in order for us to verify you as the owner of that copy and version number. We only do this verification when we have a case of two or more students with identical version numbers on their exams. Each student must verify their copy in order to receive a grade, otherwise their score will be changed to a zero for that exam AND they will be reported to the dean as suspect of cheating.

The final exam is on Thursday, 12/14, from 2-5 PM in a room to be announced later. The final exam WILL be comprehensive. This means that all the material covered during the course will be on the exam. The final exam will be counted as 30% of your overall grade. If you keep up with the material for the semester, the final will not be any more difficult than the four exams. It will be extremely difficult if you try to cram for it one day ahead. Keep up and make the grade. You cannot reschedule or drop the final exam grade. I will not allow you to take the final early either. The time for the final is published when the course schedule is made and you certainly could have chosen NOT to take the course. Since you did decide to TAKE the course, you will TAKE the final at the designated time.

Add-ons, Mystery, Special
All of these strange catagories are basically extra credit. They are made available at random times throughout the semester. You MUST be present in order to get these points. They will count in the way that I say they will count. Most of them will be points that you get to ADD to your exam scores.

If you get caught cheating in any way whatsoever you will have to discuss the situation with me. If you plead no contest, I will usually offer a reasonable solution. However, if the student denies the allegation, I will proceed by presenting the evidence to the Office of the Dean of Students as is the policy. A hearing will ultimately result. It is possible to be expelled from the University on such matters. Yes, read the General Information Catalog about scholastic dishonesty (i.e. cheating). If found "guilty" the University can go so far as to bar you from enrollment for life. Take home lesson, don't cheat.