
Thu 12/15

Spring 2017 Website?

So if you have any big ideas for this class website for Spring 2017 (CH302) let me know your thoughts. Big changes, small changes, different orderings? Give me your 2 cents.
- Dr. McCord

Wed 12/14

Grades are IN for 9:30 Class

Letter grades were submitted to the registrar for the 9:30 AM class Wednesday.

Wed 12/7

New "Assignment" on Canvas

Go check out the new pseudo-assignment on Canvas: Class Pictures. Might be fun?

Sat 12/3

Question Withdrawn from Exam 4

Please STOP emailing Dr. McCord about this. ALL students GOT CREDIT on this question. Look at the POINTS awarded to you on this question in Quest. You were awarded 4 points OK? That is ALL you get, not more. If you answered CH3F(g) on the exam, then you already got the points on the very first grading and your score did NOT go up after the withdrawl. You do not get double credit.

There was a question on Exam 4 that was found to be harder or more complicated than was intended. For this reason, the question was completely withdrawn which means that all students get credit for that question (4 points).

The question asked to pick the compound with the highest S° ? The programmed "correct" answer was the more complicated gas CH3F(g) (fluoromethane). However, a even more complex liquid is in the list as well, hexane C6H14(l), with its 20 atoms and 19 sets of chemical bonds. Well, it turns out that hexane actually IS higher in entropy than fluoromethane (look it up). We needed a simpler liquid there - like methanol (CH3OH)... we will fix this for future use, but in the here and now - it was wrong and not intended to be that complicated.

So all students get credit no matter what they answered here. That is the nature of a withdrawn question. This was a unfortunate oversight on our part. The scores in Quest and the transferred scores in Canvas now show this new adjustment.

- Dr. McCord

Sat 11/26

Reef to Canvas Update

Your scores were updated on Canvas and show your score though class on Tuesday, 11/22 (25 classes = 250 possible points).

Tue 11/1

Reef to Canvas Update

Your scores were updated on Canvas and show your score though class on Thursday, 10/27 (18 classes = 180 possible points).

Tue 10/25

Office Hours

Dr. McCord's office hours will be held in WEL 2.122 today (Tues, 10/25).

Tue 10/04

Office Hours

Dr. McCord's office hours will be held in WEL 2.122 today (Tues, 10/4).

Tue 10/04

Reef to Canvas

I uploaded your current overall REEF score to Canvas today showing your overall score out of 100 points possible (10 classes). If you have a zero, you need to enter your UTEID into your Reef Profile and you'll see a score NEXT time on the upload.

Sun 10/02

Exam 2 - Room Assignments

We have decided to keep things the same as what we did for exam 1. All room assignments are based on the first letter of your last name. Go to the review page for Exam 2 to see the assignments.

Wed 9/28

Less material on Exam 2

GOOD NEWS: Exam 2 now has less material on it. We are bumping all covalent bonding and associated concepts to exam 3. LE16 is no longer part of exam 2 and only part of LE15 is on exam 2. Exam 2 will only have ionic bonding and it's associated concepts. The stop point on the gchem site is the green line. HW06 has been split into two parts: HW06a is the part for Unit 2 and Exam 2.

BAD NEWS: Exam 3 now will have even more material on it. ALL of the covalent bonding concepts and skills removed from exam 2 will now be on exam 3. LE16 is now due with the Unit 3 material as well as HW06b.

Sat 9/17

Exam 1 inquiries

Please direct your Exam 1 questions about bubbling errors and scanner problems to Jimmy in an email.

Fri 9/16

Exam 1 Solutions AVAILABLE

Your tally sheet and solutions to Exam 1 are now available on Quest.

Thu 9/15

LE09 due Tuesday

LE09 on Electromagnetic Radiation will be the only thing due on Tuesday morning at 9:30am night at 11:59 pm. The rest of that module, LE's and HW's will start showing up over the weekend.

Tue 9/13

RE-Opened Canvas Assignments

All the LE's and HW's have been OPENED UP until 11:59 PM tonight. All students that added after the assignments closed now have full access - but only until 11:59 PM. Any other student with attempts still left can also jump back in and make more attempts. This will not have on any future Canvas assignments.

Mon 9/7

Mon 9/5

Due Dates have changed to slightly later. HW02 is due Wed, 9/7. LE06 is due Thur, 9/8. LE07 is due Fri, 9/9. Check it out on Canvas.

Mon 8/29

HW01 bumped back a day

HW01 is now due on Wednesday morning at 9:30am. So chill and get it done.

Sat 8/27

Complete instructions for Reef Registration and the ACCESS CODE are available on the new REEF page. Just click on the sign up link.

"due dates" are REAL in Canvas

Yes, you need to complete and submit the assignments before the time shown on the due date in canvas. That is what "due" means, and you need to DO the assignments by the DUE dates.

ALL assignments associated with a given exam are released on canvas in the associated module. Click on the "Modules" menu item to see the listing and all the due dates.

So YES, there are a few assignments due by 9:30 am on Tuesday, 8/30.

Thu 8/25

Welcome to Dr. McCord's
Fall 2016 CH301 Website

Stay tuned for more info! Site will be fully functional and running by 8/24.

I am teaching two sections of CH301, unique 49970 which meets TTH 9:30-11am and unique 49975 which meets 11am-12:30pm. Both classes are in WEL 2.224.
- Dr. McCord

I plan on being really nice this year. Deal with it.

Please Sign Up for REEF. This will be our in-class response system for this semester.

office hours / email

Dr. McCord   1:30pm - 2:30pm   TTh in WEL 5.239

Exam Schedule

Exam 1 Wed 9/14

Exam 2 Wed 10/5

Exam 3 Wed 10/26

Exam 4 Wed 11/30

Final 49970, Thu 12/8, 2-5pm

Final 49975, Mon 12/12, 2-5pm