CH302 Sum21

Our daily schedule if things go according to plan. There might be slight adjustments but the ordering of material (reading) is set. We go through each chapter in the order shown on the gchem website.

The reading assignment for each day is shown in orange and is the section or sections in the gchem eBook.

Mon 7/12 course introduction, canvas, course website, grading, being prepared, thinking about phase changes and thermodynamics, sign of ΔH, heating curves with phase changes

gchem 7.1, 7.2

Tue 7/13 vapor pressure, phase diagrams, solutions and ∆H, dissolving

gchem 7.2, 7.3

Wed 7/14 finish solutions, concentrations, colligative properties

gchem 7.3, 7.4

Thu 7/15 activities and the mass action expression, Q and K and ∆G, form of K, Kc and Kp, Q vs K and outcomes, RICE tables

gchem 8.1

Fri 7/16 more RICE tables, Le Chatelier's Principle, and the van't Hoff Equation

gchem 8.1, 8.2

Mon 7/19 Exam 1

gchem Chapters 7 and 8

Tue 7/20 acid/base theory and definitions, autoionization of water, strong vs weak acids & bases, Ka and Kb, conjugates

gchem 9.1, 9.2

Wed 7/21 pH and pOH, neutralization rxns, salts, identifying species

gchem 9.3

Thu 7/22 how to think about acids and bases, buffers, buffer-action, buffer-capacity, Henderson-Hasselbalch equation

gchem 9.3, 9.4

Fri 7/23 more on buffers, titrations, titration curves, indicators

gchem 9.4

Mon 7/26 recognizing the protonated state, polyprotic acids and bases

gchem 9.5

Tue 7/27 Exam 2

gchem Chapter 9

Wed 7/28 intro kinetics, rates, rate laws, empirical rate laws

gchem 11.1

Thu 7/29 method of initial rates, integrated rate laws, half-life, pseudo first order

gchem 11.1, 11.2

Fri 7/30 rxn mechanisms and rate laws, elementary steps, rate-limiting step, intermediates, Arrhenius theory, rxn coordinate, activation energy, catalysts

gchem 11.3, 11.4, 11.5

Mon 8/02 finish any remaining bits of kinetics, ionic equations, saturated solutions, Ksp and solubility (conversions), common ion effect, predicting precipitations

gchem 10.1

Tue 8/03 more precipitation rxns, wrap-up unit 3

gchem 10.1

Wed 8/04 Exam 3

gchem Chapters 10 and 11

Thu 8/05 redox rxns, oxidation numbers, balancing redox rxns

gchem 12.1

Fri 8/06 more on balancing redox equations, oxidation numbers, intro to cell nomenclature and cell potential

gchem 12.1, 12.2

Mon 8/09 electrochemical cells, parts and nomenclature, shorthand notation, std potentials, std cell potentials, voltaic vs electrolytic cells

gchem 12.1, 12.2

Tue 8/10 echem stoichiometry, voltage, time, current, moles of reaction, free energy vs cell potential, std ∆G vs K, the Nernst equation, conc cells

gchem 12.3, 12.4

Wed 8/11 batteries, primary cells, secondary cells, and fuel cells

gchem 12.5

Thu 8/12 Exam 4

gchem Chapters 12

Fri 8/13 last class day, review sememester, go over grading for the course, "review" for the final exam


Mon 8/16 Final Exam

gchem Chapters 7-12

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