CH302 Sum21

Office Hours

Dr. McCord

office hours: pre-class 8-8:30am on TTh
post-class say 9:45-10:15am
and as announced
Zoom Links are on Canvas


Jimmy Wadman

office hours: 8-8:30am pre-class time
  as announced
Zoom links are on Canvas


Reminder - Everyday of class we have the 8:00-8:30am time dedicated to answering questions. This is our pre-class office hour. Jimmy has MWF and Paul has TTh.

Also each day of class, Paul stays in the Zoom meeting long to answer questions. This is post-class office hours. Both of these "office hours" are recorded and part of the class zoom recording.

Notes from Office Hours

7/13   Paul    
exam notes on ipad?, old CH301 topics?, HWO1 16, 14, and 17

7/18   Jimmy    
Jimmy's Sunday Review for Exam 1

7/20   Paul    
Paul works out and talks you through the entirety of Exam 1.

8/02   Jimmy    
Jimmys "Extra" Office Hour... Jimmy works through some solubility problems and set-ups from HW06. Also a little kinetics in there with the Arrhenius Equation.

8/03   Jimmy    
Jimmys Exam 3 Review

8/11   Jimmy    
Jimmys Exam 4 Review

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