CH302 Sum21

End of Course Comments

(this was sent out as a canvas announcement as well)

I'm sending this out as a courtesy. I will point out some very important facts and what is to come in the next day or two. I know it's a lot, but please read through all of this.

  1. Quite a few comments in the comment box to curve the final exam. So here is a fact. The final exam will not be curved or modified in anyway whatsoever. The questions on the final have been used over the years. They have been vetted, tested, and refined over 1000's of CH302 students. The exam cannot be curved in fairness to the 1000's of students that have come before you. No curve.
  2. Many of you have totally wrong numbers. I don't know where you get them. One comment said the final average was a 40. Not true. The average for everyone who took the final was a 68 and the high score a 91.
  3. Fact...The majority of the high end of the class, which are the students who have made 100's and high 90's on all the exams did NOT take the final. So, needless to say, yes, the average was lower than normal. Take away the top half of the class and you get lower averages. Here's another thing... back from 2012 to 2018, we made ALL students take the final, and yes, there were perfect scores of 100 on it. And lots of high 90's. The exam is sound.
  4. If the class were split into 2 groups... those that took the final, and those that did not. ALL the exams for those that took the final were between 6 and 9 points LOWER than the group that didn't take the final. What this means, is that if ALL students had taken the final exam, the average would have been between 71 and 73 most likely which is a perfectly good average for this final exam.
  5. Know this... Canvas does NOT submit your letter grade. I submit your letter grade to the registrar. I will look at ALL your work and decide if you deserve a "bump up" or not. No more playing the numbers game in Canvas. You are guaranteed no LESS than the grade canvas shows you. However, I will look at the whole class and decide at each break as to whether you're "close enough". I look at everything... but mostly.. the final exam score first. It is the most telling of all your scores on how much you truly learned in the course. Second, all of your exam scores. And finally, your homework and InstaPolls.
  6. So before you email me and complain about your grade. At least do me the favor of checking your official grade online first. Many students in the past have made an ass of themselves blabbing on and on about this and that... and the fact was that I had already given them the higher grade they were complaining about. So please, LOOK before you write.
  7. Where do you LOOK? The easiest for all your grades is Texas One Stop.
  8. And for those thinking the final exam was just too hard, too much... sorry, it is a really good comprehensive exam and tests most all of the important learning outcomes for each chapter. Also, each question had a very similar counterpart on a previous exam or homework. For you not to "see" the similarities is proof of not mastering the material.
  9. NO, we do not open the final exam up for you to inspect. For those truly interested, once the fall semester is up and running, you can come to an office hour to inspect your exam. Jimmy or I will show it to you. You do not get to keep a copy.
  10. Last and not least... yes, I'm still peaking at the comments. I think 8 of the last 10 were short and sweet - "curve the final". No, I can't curve it. I can't really respond directly to comments though, unless you sign your name and email to it. OR, just send the email to me. I READ everything. I might not respond, but I do read it all. Many of you might find it helps to get things off your chest so to speak. So do it if you think it will help.

I'll end by saying that Jimmy and I have done everything in our power to help you succeed in this course. If you fell short of your goals, I'm sorry for that. I'll say that moving on into organic chemistry, like many of you will do, will be even more challenging. Now I need to finish grades. Best of luck to you for the fall semester.

- Dr. McCord

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