Exam 4 Learning Outcomes

  Exam 4 - Information

The following are the learning outcomes that match up with Exam 4. When we write exam questions we try our best to match them up with learning outcomes. Once again we will try for about 20 questions.

Unit 8 - Electrochemistry

Students will be able to...

  1. Identify an oxidation – reduction (redox) reaction based on changes in oxidation numbers across the chemical change.
  2. Identify oxidizing/reducing agents in chemical reaction.
  3. Balance a net redox reaction using the ½ reaction method in acidic or basic solution.
  4. Recognize degrees of reactivity based on an activity series table or a standard reduction potential table.
  5. Apply standard reduction potential data to determine the relative strength of oxidizing/reducing agents.
  6. Construct an electrochemical cell diagram, including identifying the anode, cathode, direction of electron flow, sign of the electrodes, direction of ion flow in salt bridge, from a redox reaction or from short hand cell notation.
  7. Describe the standard hydrogen electrode and state it’s function.
  8. Apply standard reduction potential data to calculate the standard cell potential for an electrochemical cell and from the sign of the potential predict if the cell is voltaic or electrolytic.
  9. Calculate the cell potential for a nonstandard cell.
  10. Describe fully the relationship between the free energy and the cell potential.
  11. Describe fully the relationship between cell potential and the equilibrium constant.
  12. Explain thermodynamically the operation of a concentration cell, and be able to predict the concentration in the cell based on the cell potential.
  13. Understand the relationship between charge delivered or produced and the amount of reactant used or product formed for both galvanic and electrolytic cells.
  14. Describe the basic principles of battery design.
  15. Identify the differences and similarities of the three types of batteries.
  16. Know the chemical reactions used in a lead-acid battery.