The following are the learning outcomes that match up with Exam 2. When we write exam questions we try our best to match them up with learning outcomes. Once again we will try for about 20 questions.
NOTE: You DO still have to know the learning outcomes for equilibria from the last unit/exam. How to write a mass action expression, LeChatelier's, Set up and solve a RICE table, etc... it is just that in this unit, you'll be solving acid/base equilibria in aqueous solutions.
Unit 6 - Acid/Base Theory
- Understand the strength of an acid (or base) is determined by the percent of ionization in solution.
- Identify strong and weak acids and bases.
- Identify acid/base conjugate pairs and their relative strengths.
- Understand the process of auto-ionization of water and what is meant by acidic, basic, and neutral.
- Know the value of Kw at 25°C, and the relationship between Ka and Kb for a conjugate pair.
- Convert between hydronium ion concentration, hydroxide ion concentration, pH and pOH for a given solution.
- Determine the pH of a strong acid or base solution.
- Determine the pH of a weak acid or weak base solution.
- Determine the pH of the solution made from the salt of a weak acid or the salt of a weak base.
- Recognize and predict the components of a buffer solution.
- Calculate the pH of a buffer solution, and a buffer solution after the addition of strong acid or strong base.
- Determine the majority species for acid/base solutions as well as the pH following neutralization.
- Interpret a titration curve plot including calculating the concentration and Ka or Kb for the analyte.
- Determine the protonation state (or overall charge) for a polyprotic acid at a particular pH.
- Apply concepts from equilibria to acid/base problems