All four of our regular exams this semester will be given during on Wednesday evenings from 7pm to 8:30pm. There will be room assignments as well. Those will be posted clearly on the website once we know where. The information that follows is for ALL our exams - including the final exam except it will be in another room and at a different time. If any differences in protocol come up we will specify them on the Exam Review page.
The cover page with the periodic table will be very similar to the one available in the appendix of the ChemBook website which has a PDF of the Periodic Table + Constants and Conversion Factors. This is very similar to the one on the gchem site. Several are listed there in the appendix for Exam preparation.
* only comes out after you are done!
Each exam will cover the topics that were presented in the book, in class, and on the homework. Learning outcomes for each chapter are provided via the Exam review pages which are all listed on our class website. A comprehensive understanding of the topics along with the calculations and concepts for each chapter will be necessary in order to make high scores on the exams. Although there is a lot of common knowledge in the chapters, most students will need to study intensely for each exam. Most students cannot do well on the exams if they never study nor do all the homework.
Each exam will have 25 multiple choice questions unless told otherwise. This means that each question is worth 4 points. We might occasionally decide to push that ±1 point for a few questions - meaning 3 and 5 points for a handful of questions. The point values (if not all equal) are included with all questions so you'll see the points.
It takes a little time to fill out the virtual bubblesheet - although it is much faster than an actual one. You have to fill in your name, UTEID, and your version number to your exam.
Double Check it! Your first and last name, uteid, and version number! The system will not even except your answers if you don't fully fill out the form.
TIME is CRITICAL!!! You HAVE to turn in ALL your material by 8:30pm. That is your exam copy, your bubblesheet (answers), and any scratch paper if you used any. The TA in the room will announce the time as the deadline approaches.
You will proceed through FOUR (4) total screens and they are:
We return exams in class via your version number - so make sure you remember it.
As a nice little service to you, I have created a practice virtual bubblesheet so you can "practice" correctly filling out the thing. This is very similar to what you will get but not exact. The link is below.
Practice Virtual Bubblesheet
CH302 · 50520 Principles of Chemistry II
Spring 2023 · © mccord