CH305 S2021

Online Exams

All of our remaining exams this semester will be given online through Canvas during our regular classtime from 2:00pm to 3:30pm. The following information is for ALL of our exams. Any differences in protocol will be noted on the specific exam review page.

WE provide online

  • the Exam on canvas
    • cover page with periodic table and all necessary conversion factors and constants will be a separate document available for download starting 24 hours before the exam. Please download and have it available for use. Print it if you can.
    • actual canvas exam (quiz) which is 25 multiple choice questions

    The cover page with the periodic table will be very similar to the one available in the appendix of the ChemBook website which has a PDF of the Periodic Table + Constants and Conversion Factors.

YOU provide at your Online Desk

  • your brain
  • pencils, pens, colors, whatever writing device that rocks your boat to work out the answers
  • a scientific calculator of some sort (I no longer care what kind)
  • an active Zoom window/meeting for our exam
    • mainly to WATCH Dr. McCord's and Jimmy's feed for any late breaking info during the exam - like corrections.
    • we will allow chat to host only if you have a question
    • Dr. McCord will run a shared screen of the time just like in our classroom

DO NOT do the following...

  • don't communicate with other students during the exam
  • don't communicate or collaborate with ANY human during the exam
  • don't have an active video or audio feed going in our active exam zoom "meeting"
  • don't use the internet and google to cheat during exam
  • please don't cheat - you know what that is - UT Honor Code in effect

what you CAN do now!

  • listen to calming music or head banging hard rock - your call on that
  • have your comfort animal/pet with you for moral support
  • take your exam in your comfy home clothes - PJs? once again, your call on that
  • little notes you've written to yourself to help lower your anxiety and help you navigate the exam - breathe, it's OK!
    • yes, those hand written notes can include some helpful chemistry tips you've made yourself
  • get up and s-t-r-e-t-c-h during the exam

Exam Coverage

Each exam will cover the topics that were presented in the book, in class, and on the homework. Learning outcomes for each chapter are provided for every chapter in chembook. A comprehensive understanding of the topics along with the calculations and concepts for each chapter will be necessary in order to make high scores on the exams. Although there is a lot of common knowledge in the chapters, most students will need to study intensely for each exam. Most students cannot do well on the exams if they never study or do the homework.

Exam Questions

Each exam will have somewhere around 20-25 multiple choice questions. This means that each question is worth either 4 or 5 points. We might occasionally decide to push those values ±1 point for a few questions - meaning 3 and 6 points for a handful of questions. The point values (if not all equal) are included with all questions so you'll see the points.