Extra Practice

To better prepare for exams we are making these pdfs available. These are straight out of Quest and are in the same Quest format as exams.

The KEY is the key to the given extra practice set with the solution explanations shown (just like on Quest).

Unit 2 · Exam 2

Chemical Equilibria | KEY

Acid Base 1 | KEY

Acid Base 2 | KEY

Having that déjà vu moment? That's because many of the questions on these extra practices assignments have their doppelgängers on various LEs and HWs on Canvas.

Unit 3 · Exam 3

Sorry, we do not currently have any official extra practice pdfs for Exam 3 that came from Quest.

What we DO have is:

3 Practice Sets on Chem101 - Solubility, Kinetics, and Nuclear. Use your app for review.

The MWF sections of CH302 have posted the following practice set on canvas. Use as you see fit.
MWF Exam 3 review problems.pdf | KEY

Unit 4 · Exam 4


Dr. Anderson made this helpful pdf for oxidation numbers and balancing redox reactions. There are links to YouTube videos by Tyler DeWitt... he's good, he's popular, have a look if you want some step-by-step guidance.

Oxidation Numbers and Redox Reactions.pdf

And... another great set to watch: Tyler DeWitt - Electrochemical cells.pdf.

As of now, we do not currently have any official extra practice pdfs problem sets for Exam 4 that came from Quest.