We will be using Chem101 for our in-class response system. This is how you will answer in-class quiz questions or discussion questions. You will use your smartphone (or wifi enabled device like a tablet) to response and get credit for class participation. This will ultimately be 5% of your overall grade in the course so it is best to make sure you are signed up and fully ready to go with Chem101.
Setting up an account is easy. It is easiest to just download the app from the App Store (Android and Apple) and do all this from within the app. However, there is an equivalent web-app that will also work just fine in your browser (Firefox and Chrome only, sorry, Safari). That link is https://chem101.co (which will redirect to the more generic 101edu.co). Doesn't matter which you chose (you'll prefer the app on your phone though) - you'll then need to set up an account. Here are the screens you will see.
Do remember that if you chose to use Chem101 in your browser, you will have to use either Firefox or Chrome
. Unfortunately, Safari
is not completely working with Chem101. Most students will use the app from the app Store anyway.
As with so many online accounts, you will be using an email address to set up your Chem101 account. Please, please, please use your email that the University has on file for you. This is the one that I have on my roster and it is usually the one that canvas uses as well. This will make syncing your grades/scores easier at the end of the semester. You can't change the account email/login after it is set up. So think and use the best one for the job. Unfortunately, there is no field to enter your UTEID, so that is why I'm bringing this up.
Here are the instructions (pdf) to get into the 9:30 class (49175)
Chem101 Instructions for 9:30 class.
Here are the instructions (pdf) to get into the 11:00 class (49190)
Chem101 Instructions for 11:00 class.