Wed 5/22
Farewell and Happy Summertime!
Dear Class,
Thanks for making the 2016/2017 school year enjoyable to teach. Overall, our big set of CH301/CH302 students have done well and are now prepared to move on to bigger (better?) things like organic chemistry or maybe no chemistry at all (you engineers). Hopefully, you've learned not only a bit of chemistry, but also some serious educational skills that will help you in all your future classes.
Some of you have said that you are recommending me as a teacher to other students - I'm flattered/honored to gain your endorsement. FYI... there are no names attached to our courses in the course schedule right now. However, I will be teaching the same exact time slots as last year for CH301 which are the TTH courses of CH301 at 9:30am (unique 50070) and at 11:00am (unique 50085) all over in Burdine due to the Welch renovation. Oh, and for those that want to warn others to not take me - well this works for you as well. Now you know.
I just received my eCIS results and I'm reading through the comments now. Many of you took the time to include some helpful criticism and suggested ways to improve. Others pointed out what they really liked about the course. Do know that I read all the comments and try to adapt/implement where I can. I know I'm not perfect and have plenty of room to improve (don't we all?).
Have a great summer and I hope to maybe see you around campus in the fall.
Hook 'em,
- Dr. McCord
Sat 5/18
All Done... I have calculated and determined all the letter grades for the course. I clicked the submit button and off went your grades to the registrar. Soon your wait will be over and you'll know your final letter grade in the course. Many will be happy, some will be sad - none should really be that surprised though.
- Dr. McCord
Sat 5/18
All 9:30am class students (50375) had the correction applied from the very start of grading on 5/16.
All scores for the final exam are on canvas and are correct.
Sat 5/6
Finals Week Office Hours The regular office hours link below has been updated to show finals week office hours. Click there or here either one will work.
It's official: NO inorganic on the final exam.
Formula Page for Final Exam: You want it, you got it... here is the official Formula Page for the Spring 2017 Final Exam.
You want BLANK exams to work on? Here are four random versions of each exam in their blank awesomeness.
Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Exam 4
for added fun, try to figure out the secret word from the four exams - true nerds will figure it out
Sat 5/6
ALL Scores are in Canvas Now: The last of the exam scores and Reef have been uploaded to Canvas which means ALL necessary scores (except the final) are in Canvas now. You can even use Canvas for your various scenarios on what to get on the final to get a certain overall score in the course (your letter grade). Make sure you remember to UNcheck the option that says "Calculate based only on graded assignments". If you missed an assignment, you got a zero for that assignment.
Sat 5/6
The FIXED Question on Exam 4 If you want the whole story on the fixed exam4 question in Quest (the Wednesday exam takers only) - then please click the following link: The Exam 4 FIX in Quest.
Sat 5/5
Correction on Exam 1: We DID make a correction on Exam 1 in the exam rooms. There was a typo for the exponent of the Ksp for silver phosphate. The explanation on that in Quest is fine, just remember that we told you to fix the exponent in the question to a –17 (replacing the –19).
Tue 3/21
Exam 2 Follow Up Quiz is available on Canvas starting at 2pm today. All students will get +5 points added to their Exam 2 scores no matter what. Taking this follow up quiz and making a perfect score will earn you +6 more points. That is a total of +11 points possible. Quiz is 6 questions, timed at 45 minutes, one attempt, no feedback, everything shuts down at 11:59pm tonight.
Sun 3/12
Remember to check your score for exam 2 on Quest. Also check the solutions. On Tuesday (3/21) I will publish a Quiz on Canvas that will be the effective curve for exam 2. The quiz will be timed, only allow one attempt, and will have questions that are very similar to the questions on exam 2. - Dr. McCord
Wed 2/15
Reef News: Some students on Tuesday (2/14) experienced "Network Error" while trying to access/use Reef on the Safari browser. The current "fix" while the programmers work on the problem is to either use the on your phone, or use Chrome or Firefox as your browswer.
Tue 2/14
Mon 1/31
HW01b is good practice for converting concentration terms due Friday, 2/3.
We use many concentration types: percent, mole fraction, molality, molarity, ppm, ppb. You need to know how to calculate and use each of them. 10 problems to get you going on this.
Mon 1/16
How do you get ready for the first day of class?
Sign up for Reef if you didn't last semester. Then ADD my class to your courses listing in Reef. Directions for this are in the Reef section on the main page of this website.
Mon 1/16