Dr. McCord
Mon,Tue,Wed 11-12 NOON
in WEL 5.239
Judy Choe
Mon 11-12n - WEL 1.300
Thu 11-12n - WEL 1.300
Deven Pade
Tu 4-5p - WEL 1.300
Th,Fr 3-4p - WEL 1.300
Weekly Reviews
Exam 1 Thu, 2/8
Exam 2 Thu, 3/8
Exam 3 Thu, 4/12
Exam 4 Tue, 5/1
Final Sat, 5/12 9-12N TBA
Letter Grades have been Submitted
Your letter grades in the course have been submitted to the registrar. Please check them via UTDirect. Once again, your scores on exams and in the course are what determined your grade - not your personal situations. Please keep this in mind before you email me about your grade.Have a GREAT summer break and Good Luck in your further studies
- Dr. McCord
The "NEW HWS" link no longer works!
The link at the top of this page (and others) for "NEW HWS" no long works. The test HWS that we used was a success and now the whole homework service is on the new server. However, the old name is now the only name. So if you want to see you scores, you need to go to:http://hs.utexas.edu/
You should see our class there and any others you were in on the old system.What's the Situation about the Textbook and Clicker?
Any student taking CH302 this summer or in the fall (2007!) will still be using the same textbook that we used this semester (Atkins and Jones). Any student taking CH301 this summer will use the same textbook.There is a NEW textbook for CH301 in the Fall. The new textbook is a different book, not just a new edition of our current book. This will affect any resale of the book to the Coop.
CLICKERS: The CPS clicker may or may not be used in the Fall. Each
professor/lecturer makes their own decision as to whether or not to use clickers. Do know that there is a possibility that the clicker might be different. It could be the iClicker or the CPS clicker (the one we used).
Best thing to do is check the chemistry course web pages near the beginning
of the semester and you'll find out. Other departments face the same sort of
decisions. You might end up needing both a CPS clicker and an iClicker - as
many of you already have.
- - - GAME OVER - - -