CH301 F22

Dr. McCord's Statement

about assigning grades

We’re done. You’re done… with Chemistry CH301 anyway. There is really nothing more for you to do. Except…

The Waiting

Yes, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers released Hard Promises back in 1981 and the opening track was “The Waiting”. Give it a listen. It’s a classic and speaks to how many of you just flat out have to wait until I turn in grades to see if you made the cut.

I’ve gotten a total of 35 emails from students since about 3pm today which is when I uploaded the final exam scores. And yes, I read them all. And no, I’m not going to answer all them because they all ask for the same thing… which is…

I just need a little bump up to get my grade. Show mercy. Please give me a Christmas Miracle. I'll do anything you need. Anyway, you get the idea. 

Here is the deal. Your emailing me really will not change any of the outcomes. I’ll sit down and look at ALL the grades and scores and assess. 85% of the class is so far away from a grade break they are easy - they’ll get what Canvas says they are getting.

It’s you other 15% that might get the benefit of a helpful move of grade breaks. The fair thing to do is do this without bias. No sob story on your hardship should ultimately affect your grade in the course. It has been made very clear that your scores are what determine your grade and that is the system we have and the one I will stick with. 

So email me if you just feel you have to. I don’t slight you in the least doing it. I’ll read it. Some are even pretty funny and that is nice. But do know, at the end of the day, when I assign the final letter grades, I do so without looking at names. I look at the numbers. Also a lot of you need to re-read the syllabus. I use 2 digits after the decimal for precision. I only round the 1/100th place so yeah, a 89.95 is still a B+ by the letter of the law (syllabus). Some of you think your close with like a 86.44… well, that is 0.56 away from the official break for a B+, so that is a B. But who knows for sure? Wait and see.

Let’s say you are a student who just will not email me. Guess what, you get the exact same benefit of the doubt on all the grade breaks as the ones who do email me.

So know that I probably will not email most of you back, ok? Oh wow, I just got 5 more - now up to 40 emails. I will read them though and I’ll be pulling for you to get the next higher grade. But remember, you got a free 2+ points on that CES assignment and that is why you are all that much closer to begin with.

My grades are due by 10am on Tuesday the 13th. I might get grades done sooner - or not. Once again, you have to wait.

In the meantime, give that album a listen. And yes, of course I have my original vinyl of that album - just like I have all TPs albums. 

Comment page is still open for what that is worth - rants and raves... or whatever, I read them all.


- Dr McCord

CH301 · 50920 Principles of Chemistry I

© 2022 · mccord