exam 4


Exam 4

Wednesday 12/4
UTC 2.102A

What we provide on Exams We will provide all students with:

  • the Exam
    • cover page with periodic table
    • actual exam - 20 multiple choice questions
  • an answer sheet - aka: bubblesheet

The cover page with the periodic table will be very similar to the one available in the Appendix of the ChemBook website (Chapter 10).

Coverage: Exam 3 covers all the material that was covered on HW's 07 and 08. ChemBook Chapter: The exam covers all of Chapter 9 which is the chapter on food and nutrition. You still need to know your organic functional groups and how to interpret organic line structures - although, now in the context of food and nutrition.

Questions: The exam will have 20 multiple choice questions. This means that each question is worth 5 points. We will only grade you by what is bubbled in on the answer sheet that you turn in. We will not look at your exam copy for answers, nor consider them in any way. Bubble carefully and correctly.

Bring the Following to the Exam

  • UT ID Card / picture ID
  • a pencil(s) - mechanical or wood
  • scanner only reads pencil - no ink!
  • bring eraser if you are prone to mistakes
  • bring a non-programmable, non-graphing, scientific calculator
  • we provide the rest - see previous section

DO NOT bring...

  • ink pens
  • graphing calculator
  • electronic devices - phones, earbuds, etc...
  • smart watches - put away that smart watch!

Learning Outcomes for Exam 4

Students will know...

  1. what the difference is in being undernourished and/or malnourished
  2. the differences in macronutrients and micronutrients
  3. how to identify the three main macronutrients and their chemical structures
  4. what a lipid is and its general composition and structure
  5. the differences in saturated and unsaturated fats
  6. the difference in a trans fat and a cis fat
  7. what it means for a fat to be hydrogenated and/or partially hydrogenated
  8. what is the distinguishing feature is in the structure of carbohydrates
  9. what amino acids are and how they make proteins
  10. what the structures are for the 5 highlighted amino acids in this chapter
  11. what the difference is in vitamins and minerals
  12. what the two major classifications of vitamins are
  13. the energy content (Calories) of each of the 3 macronutrients
  14. how to calculate and evaluate the calorie content of food based on the food label (Nutrition Facts)
  15. differences in the major consumer alcohols: methanol, isopropanol, and ethanol
  16. difference in ethanol and denatured ethanol
  17. what ABV means on an alcoholic beverage label
  18. how to convert ABV to number of grams and calories on an alcoholic drink
  19. how distillation works in separating/purifying liquids like ethanol
  20. how to calculate the mole fraction of a liquid in the vapor phase of a simple distillation