exam 1


Exam 1

Learning Outcomes

Students will know...

  1. how to count stuff
  2. that fire is hot
  3. how to mathematically convert from one type of unit to another utilizing a set of conversion factors
  4. the names, formulas, and physical state of the first 10 alkanes
  5. Know which elements exist as diatomic molecules
  6. the MAIN Metric Prefixes for Chemistry Class as listed in section 10.2 of chembook - it's the last table there
  7. how to fully balance a chemical reaction and identify the coefficients
  8. how to do composition stoichiometry calculations - figuring out the percent of a specific element in a given compound
  9. how to do reaction stoichiometry calculations converting moles to moles and also moles to grams and grams to grams or anything else
  10. how to predict product amounts when given arbitrary amounts of reactants - limiting reactant problems (like #20 on HW01)
  11. the 3 primary components and their percentages of dry air
  12. how those percentages change when humid air is used
  13. the 6 primary pollutants in our air - know names and formulas and/or abbreviations for them
  14. the primary sources/causes of those pollutants
  15. what methods are in place to help curb the amounts of these pollutants in air
  16. how to calculate various gas law values - P, V, T, and n according to the ideal gas law and associated laws
  17. anything else we learned and did in class, on HW, that I forgot here