This is a "guide" we are working on. This is the first draft. I will pretty it up later and find a suitable home for it. Please read and try to follow the advice given.
When to use: 1. Piazza *I need help understanding chemistry concept(s) and need clarification(s) *I would like to form a study group (Click on: "Form project teams & study groups!") *I want to talk to other students about homework/learning module questions (NOT to ask for answers) *I need an explanation for a homework solution that doesn't have one, or I don't understand it 2. Emailing your TA (not Dr. McCord) *I have a Quest grading issue (email ONLY the TA assigned to your class - include your name, class time, UTeid and version number for exams) 3. Emailing Dr. McCord *ONLY if there is a catastrophic issue and the TA cannot handle it 4. Office Hours *I need help understanding chemistry concept(s) and need clarification(s) *I need specific help on one/many of the homework problems *I need an explanation by a human, and not a discussion thread or video *I need to interact and ask questions in order for me to learn 5. Weekly Review Sessions *I need help understanding chemistry concept(s) and need clarification(s) *I need an explanation by a human, and not a discussion thread or video *I need to interact and ask questions in order for me to learn *I need to see how to work more problems similar to what's on the homework *I need to review the past week's material *I need a comprehensive test review before the actual test (Shawn & Rachel's "weekly reviews" turn into test reviews the week before a test!) 6. Questions you should not ever ask us *"What's the answer to problem #_ on the homework?" *Anything that can be found on the course website *Anything that can be found in the Quest help section *Anything already answered/asked on Piazza (READ all the threads) *"Dr. McCord mentioned 20 minutes ago that something would be posted on Quest and it's not there yet aaaaand I'M FREAKING OUT!!"