Paul's Help Pages

Using <iframe> with gchem content

Here is a help page (step-by-step) on how to use the html tag <iframe>....<iframe> on external websites (like a Canvas quiz or page). The method described removes the menus and header of the gchem site and only shows the content.

Quest Help

Here is a help page (step-by-step) on How to Dowload/Upload Version Numbers to Quest or any other set of numbers for that matter.

TeX Help

Below is a table with pages for TeX Help. Specifically for writing/editing chemistry questions in Quest.

Here is some general purpose TeX help for coding chemistry questions into Quest.Paul's TeX help.pdf
Here is a GOOD vs BAD TeX coding practices for chemistry equations and the like.TeX Coding: Good vs Bad

Want to SEE your own Rendered TeX?

Open up this TexLive Page and enter your TeX code. You'll get immediate feedback with a nice rendering of your code. Or not, if you have errors.

All these work in Modern Browsers - Use on Canvas

NOTICE: This is NOT TeX!!! Do NOT use this in a TeX file, it will not compile or run. This is all html code which works on web pages, not TeX.

fraction half½&frac12;&#189;
right arrow&rarr;&#8594;
long right arrow&xrarr;&#10230;
left arrow&larr;&#8592;
long left arrow&xlarr;&#10229;
right left harpoons
times (dot)·&middot;&#183;
script ell&ell;&#8467;

∞ ∝ ≊ ℓ ↿ ⇂ × ÷ · °

Use MathML via a MathJax equation on a Browser

Find the equation you want on a MathJax site (our gchem book - this page)

Example: \[x = {-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}\over 2a}\]

Now control-click (or right click) the formula and a pop-up menu appears.

First menu item is "Show Math as" select that and then pick MathML code.

Copy and paste into your Canvas page.