Review Sheet - Exam 3 - CH302 - McCord

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Textbook Chapters for Exam 3

Chapter 8, sections 8-10. Chapter 11, all sections (1-8). You’re responsible for any material covered in class whether it was on the homework or not. This review sheet covers/mentions most everything we have done. Also remember that no equations are given on the exams so you need to know them. Values for equilibrium constants and any standard potentials are given where needed.

Chapter 8 - Solubility Equilibria

Know how to calculate the molar solubility (\(x\)) from \(K_{\rm sp}\)

Know how to calculate \(K_{\rm sp}\) from molar solubility. Do realize that for many problems you must first convert the plain ol’ solubility (g/L, mg/L, g/100mL, ppm, ppb, etc...) into molar solubility first, then convert that to \(K_{\rm sp}\).

Know also how to calculate the apparent solubility in the presence of a common ion. This is where one of the ions concentrations is already SET in the solubility product expression. My example in class was dissolving AgCl into water (no common ion) or into 0.001 M NaCl (common ion of Cl-).

I already said this above but I’ll say it again: be able to calculate molar solubility (\(x\)) from “plain” solubility which can be expressed as grams per liter or, in general, mass per unit volume like ppm (mg/L) or even g/100 mL..

Know how to calculate all final concentrations in saturated solutions. OK, so you can calculate \(x\) from \(K_{\rm sp}\). Now tell me what the actual concentration of Mg2+ is, or Cl-, or OH-, or etc... sometimes it is \(x\), sometimes it’s \(2x\), or \(3x\), and so on. Remember, \(x\) isn’t always the answer.

REMEMBER: Not all salts have the same solution for \(x\) from \(K_{\rm sp}\). There are 1:1 salts, 1:2 salts, 1:3 salts, 2:3 salts and so on. Also remember that 33 = 27 and not 9.

Be able to predict whether a precipitation will occur. This is just comparing \(Q_{\rm sp}\) to \(K_{\rm sp}\). If a precipitation does occur, how much does precipitate? What are the concentrations of the ions in solution after the precipitation?

Fractional or Selective Precipitation

Know what will precipitate 1st, 2nd, etc.. in solutions containing many different ions that can precipitate. Remember that to do this you must calculate the minimum concentration of the added ion in order to reach the saturation point (solve the \(K_{\rm sp}\) expression). The one that precipitates first is the one with the lowest concentration needed of the added ion.

Know how to solve questions about fractional precipitation or selective precipitation. What % of the 1st precipitate is precipitated (or % NOT precipitated) when the 2nd precipitate first starts to precipitate?

Dissolving Precipitates

What do you add/use to get certain insoluble compounds to dissolve? Usually this involves some sort of chemical reaction with one of the ions of the salt. As the ion from the salt reacts, its concentration starts to drop and Le Chatlier’s Principle takes over shifting the reaction to the right thus dissolving more salt.

Complex Ions

Know what a complex ion is (metal cation + ligands) and how they dissociate. Know how to write a \(K_{\rm f}\) or \(K_{\rm d}\) expression and how to SOLVE it. Remember that \(K_{\rm f}\) is a formation constant and \(K_{\rm d}\) is a dissociation constant and they have an inverse relationship:

\[K_{\rm d} = {1 \over K_{\rm f}}\]

Chapter 11 - Electrochemistry

Electrochemical Cell Shorthand

Given below is the generalized cell notation. Note what is on the left side and what is on the right side.

anode | anodic solution || cathodic solution | cathode

where the "|" are phase changes and "||" is a salt bridge.


Know how to get:

\[\Delta G^\circ = -nF{\cal E}^\circ \hskip36pt \Delta G^\circ = -RT\ln K \hskip36pt nF{\cal E}^\circ\ = RT\ln K \]

"n" here is the # of total e cancelled out in the whole rxn.

Non-Standard Conditions : The Nernst Equation

Know how to use the Nernst Equation to get cell potentials at non standard conditions. Also know how to calculate an unknown concentration from a given non-standard potential. Here are 3 forms of the Nernst Equation:

\(\displaystyle{{\cal E} = {\cal E}^\circ - {RT\over nF} \ln Q \hskip36pt {\cal E} = {\cal E}^\circ - {0.0257\over n} \ln Q \hskip36pt {\cal E} = {\cal E}^\circ - {0.05916\over n} \log Q} \)


When you pass current through an electrolytic cell you are pushing and pulling electrons. You use your power source to PULL electrons out of the anodic solution via the anode (oxidation) and then PUSH electrons into the cathodic solution via the cathode (reduction). Here, the charge on the electrode is positive (+) for the anode and negative (−) for the cathode. This is the opposite sign convention as for voltaic cells.

You can count moles of electrons via a calculation using current (I), time (t), and the faraday constant (F). Unit analysis will get you there although the following equation works well also.

\[{I\;\;t\over n\;F} = mol {\rm \;of\;reaction}\]

From here you can easily calculate the number of grams of metal that are electroplated during the process. You should also be able to calculate the number of liters of gas formed during the process if there is a gas forming reaction. Remember, you’ll get your moles of gas from the previous equation and then you’ll plug that answer into the Ideal Gas Law for your answer. Know how to solve for any of those variables (I, t, n, and mol) in that equation above. Remember, sometimes we work backwards from the amount to time, current, or even number of electrons.

How to calculate K (or Ksp) for a reaction using electrochemical data. The key is to find the 2 half-reactions that add up to equal the overall Ksp reaction. Remember, all Ksp reactions are just dissociations: MX(s) ⇌ M+ + X


What is going on when iron corrodes? What are some ways to prevent or slow down the rate of corrosion? What is a sacrificial electrode? Why doesn't aluminum corrode more than iron - it's has a much bigger oxidizing potential!


Know the general concepts of how batteries work. Read book and refer to class notes. What's the difference in a primary, secondary, and fuel cell? Know examples of each type as mentioned in the textbook and from my lecture - names only here. However, you DO need to know the specific reactions that drive a lead storage battery. Know how the reactions work during discharge and during recharge.

What would make one battery capable of delivering more current than another if they have the same potential (voltage)?