Learning Outcomes for UNIT 3
Each student should have a good grasp of the following learning outcomes for unit 3. Unit 3 is assessed on Exam 3 which is on Tuesday 4/10/12 from 7-9 PM. Read the numbered points and self assess yourself on how well you know the topic.
Students will be able to...
- Calculate molar solubility from \(K_{\rm sp}\).
- Calculate \(K_{\rm sp}\) from solubility data.
- Rank salts in order of solubility according to \(K_{\rm sp}\) values.
- Calculate remaining ion concentration in solution for a selective precipitation.
- Calculate concentration of the associated species for complex ion equilibria.
- Know what attributes are associated with a good ligand.
- Understand the chemistry involved in dissolving precipitates.
- Assign oxidation numbers to the various elements in a formula.
- Completely balance a redox reaction in acid.
- Identify the reducing agent and oxidizing agent in a redox reaction.
- Combine two half reactions to form a complete cell reaction.
- Determine the standard potential of a cell reaction.
- Properly determine the direction of spontaneous change in an electrochemical cell.
- Properly interpret a table of standard potentials in order to determine what is the best oxidizing agent or reducing agent in a list.
- Properly interpret standard cell notation.
- Know the difference in a voltaic cell and an electrolytic cell.
- Know the difference in the cathode and the anode.
- Assign the proper algebraic sign on the electrodes of an electrochemical cell (aka: sign convention).
- Understand the significance of the standard hydrogen electrode, or SHE.
- Determine the potential of a non-standard electrochemical cell.
- Calculate for the unknown concentration when given the potential of a non-standard cell.
- Know the causes and preventative measures against corrosion.
- Make quantitative calculations based on current and time to get amounts of electrolyzed products.
- Distinguish the differences in the three different types of batteries.
- Know examples of each of the three types of batteries.
- Know the half reactions and complete reaction for the lead storage battery.
- Understand the environmental impact of materials used for the manufacturing of batteries.
- Know anything else we covered that was not mentioned in this list.
Topics are from Chapter 8, sections 8-10, and Chapter 11 - all sections.