CNS Recordings of Lectures

Go to the link below and READ. Click on the Chemistry link and then type in the login name and password - they tell you these right there on the site... for chemistry the login name is "" and the password is "chemistry". Once you get in click on the "Chemistry" link under Categories. That will get a full listing of ALL chemistry classes that are being recorded. Find the section you want in the main frame of the page.

Windows users just click on "Launch Event" and they will get everything - the video, the projected screen, and the audio.

Mac Users unfortunately will run into problems. Don't click the "Launch Event", click on "Event Details" first. New Screen. Now click on "Launch Event" and you'll see choices. The only choice that will work is the "Podcast" which will deliver you an mp3 of the lecture - that's audio only. If you want to see the whole thing you need to find a Windows machine and use it.

Here is the address and link to the recorded lectures: