exam 4


Where do I go for Exam 4?

Monday 12/3 7:30 - 9pm

9:30 Class

Room Assignments:

last names A - Mi in BUR 106

last names Mo - Z in JES A121A

Please make SURE you go to the right room!

11:00 Class

Room Assignments:

last names A - Mi in UTC 2.112A

last names Mo - Z in UTC 2.102A

Please make SURE you go to the right room!

What we provide on Exams We will provide all students with:

  • copy of the exam
  • an answer sheet - aka: bubblesheet
  • a Periodic Table Handout sheet
  • scratch paper if needed

Note that the periodic table handout is available on the gchem site in the appendix under "Exam Preparation". Here is a direct link to the Periodic Table Handout for Exam 1.

Coverage: Exam 4 covers all the material that was covered on LE's 25-32 and HW's 13-14. The exam covers all of Chapter 6 (Thermodynamics) from the gchem site.

Questions: The exam will be have 20 multiple choice questions. The questions will have an equal weight of 5 points each. Point values are included with all questions. We will only grade you by what is bubbled in on the answer sheet. We will not look at your exam copy for answers, nor consider them in any way. Bubble carefully and correctly.

Bring the Following to the Exam

  • a pencil(s) - mechanical or wood
  • scanner only reads pencil - no ink!
  • bring eraser if you are prone to mistakes
  • bring a non-programmable, non-graphing, scientific calculator
  • we provide the rest - see top of page

DO NOT bring...

  • ink pens
  • graphing calculator
  • any type of programmable calculator
  • electronic devices - including earbuds, etc...
  • smart watches - put away that Apple Watch!
  • small creatures - or large... no creatures

Main Equations/Formulas for Exam 4

For a nicer more annotated version of the formulas, click on smiley there

ΔU = Uf - Ui

ΔU = q + w

q   =   m Cs ΔT

q   =   n Cm ΔT

q   =   m ΔHtrans

q   =   n ΔHtrans

w   =   -PextΔV

w   =   -ΔngasRT

Δngas = (#mol gas prod) - (#mol gas react)

H = U + PV



ΔU = ΔH - ΔnRT

ΔH = qP

ΔU = qV

qcal   =   -qsys

qcal   =   CcalΔT

qcal = mwater · Cs,water · ΔT + Chardware · ΔT

ΔHrxn = ΔH1 + ΔH2 + ΔH3 + ...

ΔHrxn° = ΣnΔHf° (products) - ΣnΔHf° (reactants)

ΔHrxn° ≈ ΣnΔHbond°(breaking) - ΣnΔHbond°(making)

ΔSuniv = ΔSsys + ΔSsurr

S  =  k ln Ω

ΔS  =  qrev / T

ΔS  =  n Cp ln(Tf / Ti)

ΔStrans  =  ΔHtrans / Ttrans

ΔSrxn° = ΣnS° (products) - ΣnS° (reactants)

G   =   H - TS


ΔGrxn° = ΣnΔGf° (products) - ΣnΔGf° (reactants)

ΔH = TeqΔS

Learning Outcomes for Thermodynamics

Students will be able to...

  1. Identify the system, surroundings, and universe in order to distinguish what is changing during a chemical and/or physical process.
  2. Define and recognize state versus process functions.
  3. Describe the concept of the energy units, including calories, kilocalories, and kilojoule.
  4. Distinguish between kinetic energy, potential energy, and electromagnetic energy.
  5. Define the first law of thermodynamics in the context of internal energy, heat, and work.
  6. Recall sign conventions associated with thermodynamic change.
  7. Define conduction and describe the microscopic view of thermal energy transfer due to molecular collisions.
  8. Define heat capacity, specific heat capacity, and molar heat capacity.
  9. Calculate the heat and work associated with chemical and/or physical change.
  10. Calculate PΔV (expansion) work for both physical and chemical changes.
  11. Define enthalpy, and calculate the enthalpy change for chemical and/or physical changes.
  12. Calculate change in enthalpy for physical change – both change in temperature and phase change.
  13. Fully interpret the heating curve of a substance.
  14. Draw and fully interpret energy reaction diagrams.
  15. Differentiate between the change in internal energy and enthalpy for a process, and describe how these quantities are measured (coffee cup vs. bomb calorimetry).
  16. Calculate the change in enthalpy (ΔH) and internal energy (ΔU) based on calorimetric data.
  17. Write formation reactions for elements and compounds.
  18. Calculate change in enthalpy based on tabulated data (e.g. Hess’s law, formation data, bond enthalpy data).
  19. Define entropy (S) and describe the second law of thermodynamics in the context of ΔS.
  20. Differentiate between the entropy of system, surroundings, and universe.
  21. Recognize how changes in system properties (T, V, phase, mixing, and composition) will affect the entropy of the system.
  22. Calculate change in entropy for the system and surroundings for a physical change.
  23. Describe entropy using a microscopic perspective of energy distribution (Boltzmann/microstates).
  24. Calculate change in entropy for the system and surroundings for a chemical change.
  25. Define the change in free energy.
  26. Calculate change in free energy (ΔG) for a chemical change from change in enthalpy and change in entropy.
  27. Use the change in free energy to determine the spontaneity of a chemical and/or physical process at a given temperature.
  28. Calculate ΔG for a chemical change from tabulated thermodynamic data.
  29. Link ΔG to the second law of thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium.

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