Finish the eCIS (electronic Course Instructor Survey) and you'll get a completion screen similar to the one shown below (less the annotations and water mark). Take a screen shot and save the file. Then go to Canvas and SUBMIT the screen shot to the "assignment" called eCIS - proof.
What You Get! You get 2 extra points added to your final exam score!
The image below is approximately what you would upload - although your information should be on it. The class and unique would be CH301 and 49970 or 49975. (image shown is from this summer).
NOTE: You will have to do this on a desktop computer and not on mobile - the mobile site does not show this screen. Of course you can do the survey on mobile - but you'll need to switch to desktop view to get this screen shot.
Make SURE that all the information highlighted in red is showing in your screen grab. You only get the extra credit if you do this right and all the information is showing.
Only students who correctly submit the screen shot will get the +2 points.