Preparing for Exam 4


Exam 4 Question Types

  1. definitions and characteristics of systems
  2. definitions and characteristics of state functions
  3. thermodynamic conventions - signs/descriptions for q and w
  4. heat capacity, specific heat capacity theory/application
  5. internal energy, enthalpy definitions & 1st law theory
  6. work calculation (gases)
  7. ΔU = q + w calculation
  8. heat flow across phase changes calculation
  9. interpreting potential energy (rxn coordinate) diagrams
  10. calorimetry calculation / coffe-cup
  11. calorimetry calculation / bomb
  12. formation constants definition
  13. Hess' law - rxn enthalpies
  14. Hess' law - bond energy
  1. thermodynamic conventions - signs/descriptions for ΔG, ΔH and ΔS
  2. ranking molar entropy
  3. predicting changes in entropy
  4. entropy change calc for change in T
  5. isothermal expansion calc of ΔS
  6. second law theory
  7. second law calculation (ΔS of surroundings)
  8. relating reaction spontaneity to T for phase changes
  9. relating reaction spontaneity to T for chemical reactions
  10. ΔG from table values calculation
  11. predicting compound stability from ΔGf

green = different from the TTH classes

Practice Exam 4

Important: Remember to try and learn ALL the material for the exam first. Then, set aside a 2 hour time slot and take the practice exam. Do not use any extra resources, data you need is with the question or on the cover page. Work the exam by yourself - just you, your brain, a calculator, and a pencil.

Note: The cover page with data and formulas has been separated from the practice exam. The real exam will have the cover page attached.

Practice Exam 4 Cover Page (v1)

Practice Exam 4

Practice Exam 4 - KEY

Laude/VDB Video Review

The Laude/VDB Review for Exam 4 is HERE on the Liberal Arts Echo Site. The Exam 4 Review is the November 25 10:00 AM entry.
Here are the Laude/VDB Review Notes for Exam 4 which matches the notes they use in the video.